Approximately one third of the Bible is prophecy and what i refer to as the lungs of the Bible.
End prophecy encourages us about our Blessed Hope and not as some view it as all doom and gloom and portray it as the blasted hope! Just like after we have had our dessert at a restaurant and we head home, in the same manner end times prophecy directs us to where we are headed! To date, Scripture’s track record for accurately predicting future events is still sitting comfortably at 100%. The world at the present regards us born-again believers as ignorant and foolish for worshipping a God we cannot see.
However, we who know Him and have a personal relationship with Him, know the power of God to change lives and to change us from the inside out. This is something no human religion, philosophy, ideology, or otherwise, could ever do.
Furthermore, we who hold close to the prophetic promises, are viewed as the lowest of the low all because we dared have faith in a plan of redemption ever so clearly articulated in the world’s most perfect book.
All signs that we encounter along any road are designed with one simple end in mind to help us navigate from where we are to our final destination. In the same way God has laid out a prophectic roadmap that signals where we are today and what lies just around the corner. The Bible is so amazing, so stunningly accurate, that it shows you the regathering of Israel before the scattering of Israel, and then shows you the time of Jacob’s trouble 2,000 years into the future! And guess what? Much of those prophecies have already been fulfilled, right on time, with the remaining prophecies ‘on deck’ to come to pass. In fact, there is so much happening prophetically right now that you are probably missing more than you are getting! With God marginalized and mocked, society today mirrors the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah! This already fractured world will completely collapse under the weight of the tribulation period. Only Christ’s return at the Rapture and then His Second Coming at the end of the Tribulation to establish a perfect Kingdom will fix it!
For over two thousand years, the Bible has accurately predicted thousands of events. From the naming of kings, to the rise and fall of five kingdoms who would shape the ancient and future world. The Bible records the voice crying out in the wilderness preparing the way for the coming of the Messiah. Jesus’s birth, life, ministry, miracles, death and resurrection were all recorded, even how and why He would die. The Bible accurately predicted the nation of Israel’s deliverance (Egypt), travails (wandering), success (Saul, David, Solomon), its conquest (Assyria, Babylon, and Rome), as well as its national rebirth (1948). Furthermore, the Bible predicts in the last days, the world will be divided under the leadership of ten kings, who will then submit themselves to one ruler — the Antichrist. The Antichrist as mentioned in Revelation 13 will then force everyone on earth, on pain of death, to either take his mark or be beheaded.
The signs are multiplying as global events are tilting and trending to the last hour that we are in. As we know birth pains particularly towards the end don’t decrease in frequency or severity. The rate of change is absolutely stunning. There has been an unrelenting push in “Prophetic Contractions” ever so increasing by the minute in frequency and intensity! You need to use the Bible which is the ‘Word of Good news’ as your lens to look through at the ‘World of bad news’ and that’s how you see prophecy unfolding! Prophecy was given not to scare us but to prepare us. Bible prophecy is converging and flying off the pages from the Bible right now. Everthing is lining up so precisely and perfectly, exactly as we were told as only God’s Word can be. Its just so amazing to watch our Lord weave a tapestry of prophectic dots! You miss a day, you miss a dot!
Pastor Barry Stagner stated on understanding Bible prophecy that when you are a 100 feet away from prophecy its difficult to understand what’s going on but when your are in close proximity like a foot away you know exactly what’s going on! I think of what Pastor J.d Farag stated — Prophecy has a shelf life, something’s got to give! We are living at a time where good is called evil and evil called good. There are two words that so clearly define these amazing times that we are living in — convergence and agenda! God told us everthing in advance as stated in John 14:29 to ready us and steady us! We very well have past the proverbial point of no return. All of these Biblical connections are growing stronger (and louder) by the day, a military conflict in Israel is beginning to spiral in Jerusalem and Gaza, Iran is startlingly close to going nuclear, the World Economic Forum is calling for digital global citizenship, and the WEF’s Klaus Schwab is revealed to have called for a Global Health Pass with an implantable microchip for every man, woman, and child.
As Jan Markel beautifully put it “Israel is God’s prophectic timepiece with Jerusalem as the minute hand and the Temple mount as the small hand!”
Is it any surprise to see the nations of the world in an uproar over Jerusalem? It is a city that lay essentially in ruin for two millennia, unworthy of international attention, and making little noise or news. Now the nations of the world, including the United Nations, regularly debate the fate of this city, while the Muslim nations even threaten warfare of their Jihad.
Today rather than a backwater town of poverty and desolation as described by Mark Twain on his visit here in 1867, Jerusalem has become a vibrant and modern city at the hand of the Jewish people since its capture in 1967. When former President Trump of the United States declared America’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, it ignited a firestorm of objection around the world, from Rome to Mecca to Tehran. Never mind that nothing whatsoever has changed from the day before the declaration, and the Israeli parliament and supreme court and administrative buildings remain where they have been since the state’s founding in 1948, the declaration has stirred the already simmering and irrational pot! There is little doubt that the parting of the Holy Land is central to all nations in their political programs.
Like Obama before him, President Joe Biden is a friend of Hamas and the Palestinians and openly hostile towards the Jews and Israel, the current rocket fire from Gaza at Israel certainly shows this to be true. Why do I say that? Well because Biden and Kamala Harris have been very firm in their support of the Palestinians from Day One, removing restrictions and funneling them hundreds of millions of dollars. In April, Biden announced that America would restore some $235 million in aid to the Palestinians that had been withdrawn by former President Donald Trump. About two-thirds of the money is being given to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which Trump cut off in 2018 because of its ties to terrorism. “Hamas and Islamic Jihad were looking and saying to themselves that if the US restored this aid unconditionally, then we can do whatever we want,” Gilboa explained.
Finally, that same month, the US lifted sanctions on International Criminal Court prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, also without any conditions.
Things have been getting more tense in Jerusalem for weeks, and Monday the 10th of May 2021 was the day when tensions really started to boil over. The violence that we witnessed in the streets of Jerusalem shocked the entire globe, and it threatens to spark a major regional conflict. At one point, a tree that had been set on fire on the Temple Mount was burning wildly out of control, and that was a perfect metaphor for the emotions that we witnessed on both sides.
These types of events are not unusual for the Temple Mount, as they have been going on for years, but this time some things have changed. For one, the Abraham Accords now exist between Israel and a nice handful of Muslim nations, and two, the United States has a ‘president’ that is very pro-Palestinian, and wants very much to be the one who creates the Two State Solution. If the tensions and terrors currently going on on the Temple Mount do advance to war, then it is highly likely the Two State Solution will rise up from the ashes.
A major war in the Middle East is inevitably coming. Israel, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and Iran have all been preparing for such a war for decades, and when it finally arrives the death and destruction it will cause will stun the entire planet.
Over the next few days, the eyes of the world will be on Jerusalem, and one false move would spark a major war!
I believe very soon, one of these days the sand will finally run out of the hourglass!
As Pastor JD stated “Isaiah 17 is a gnats eyebrow away, and yes gnats do have eyebrows!”
When Bible prophecy is fulfilled it may seem like it came out of nowhere, but in fact there had been a steady and gradual build-up to it! When God was getting people ready to receive His Son at the First Advent, He gave the Jews 400 years of silence first. People did not discern the signs of the times during Jesus’ first coming even after over 300 detailed Bible Prophecies had foretold of it! We who are students of Bible Prophecy today and as Bereans (Acts 17:11) can clearly discern the times we are living in ! The Sons of Issachar as told in 1 Chronicles 12:32 had understanding of the times! The nation of Israel was miraculously regathered on May 14, 1948, shocking many people but in fact that was the end result of the First Zionist Congress held in 1897! Just as Isaiah 66:8 says, on May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation in “one day.” This sign alone tells us we live in the last days before Jesus’ return to earth.
This sums everthing up from bro Chad Thomas’s (Watchman On The Wall 88) article
“Time is short. Jesus is coming soon! The key that unlocked the final countdown occurred on May 14, 1948. The way things look around the world right now makes me think that the doorknob is turning and that trumpet is about to sound. Keep watching with me! Keep looking up! The King of Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus Christ is coming soon!”
A small army of top Israeli national security officials descended on Washington last week for their first in-person consultations with the Biden administration over its intention to return to the Iran nuclear deal.The Israelis’ overriding mission was clear: to look their U.S. counterparts in the eye and gauge if their worst fears about Washington’s plans were in fact true. Was Biden really committed to a straight-up return to the nuclear deal negotiated by then-President Barack Obama in 2015? Was the administration really determined to grant the Iranian regime billions of dollars in sanctions relief without first securing fundamental changes to the nuclear deal’s major flaws—including a series of sunset clauses that start lifting constraints on Iran’s ballistic missile program in 2023 and its advanced centrifuge program in 2024, as well as its lack of an ironclad verification regime? Were the Biden officials in fact impervious to Israel’s warning that a return to the agreement would disastrously heighten the threat posed to Israel’s security?
The answers the Israelis got? Yes, yes, and yes. Based on their own intelligence about the indirect talks being held in Vienna to bring the United States and Iran back into compliance with the nuclear deal, the Israelis arrived in Washington with low expectations. These expectations were met. Israel’s bleak assessment about the administration’s determination to resurrect the Iran deal without significant modifications was confirmed in full.

Richard Goldberg, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies as well as an expert on Iran negotiations and sanctions, told JNS that he believes the reports coming out of Iran reflect leaks that the Islamic regime is already declaring victory at the negotiating table with the United States giving into 90 percent to 95 percent of the sanctions relief the Iranians had been seeking.
Goldberg said it appears that the administration has offered to lift a wide range of sanctions imposed on Iran by the Trump administration, including those placed for its sponsorship of terrorism and its ballistic-missile program.
“On top of all of that, we see a Middle East today that has changed fundamentally from where it was in 2015 thanks to the Abraham Accords and the prospect of further normalization between Arabs and Israelis,” he continued. “That Middle East is speaking with one unified voice, very loudly and clearly to Washington: ‘Do not go back into the nuclear deal. Do not lift sanctions.’ But it appears their pleas are falling on deaf ears in
Washington with a Biden administration that is dead set on returning to the nuclear deal and lifting sanctions”.
Jared Kushner is founding the ‘Abraham Accords Institute for Peace,’ to work on deepening agreements Israel reached last year with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco. Kushner, who is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump, is writing a book about his experience in helping broker the deals. He will be joined in the new group by former US envoy Avi Berkowitz and ambassadors to the United States from Bahrain, the UAE and Israel.
Everyone thought that the Abraham Accords would end when became Joe Biden became the pretend president, but in fact, just the opposite is taking place as we told you it would. At this point, the Abraham Accords are virtually unstoppable as it is most likely laying the foundation on which the covenant confirmed by Antichrist will take place.
So here we have Jared Kushner, an absolute minion of the Antichrist, doing what he does best in helping to facilitate the eventual Two State Solution that Joel 3:2 (KJB) says will trigger the Battle of Armageddon that takes place at the Second Coming. I had said that God had put Donald Trump in the White House to shake the whole world, and that is just what is taking place. So get ready to see Israel divided to create Palestine, and a go ahead given for the 3rd Temple to be rebuilt!
The global elites who run things have masked it as ‘The Great Reset’, and it is nothing but the New World Order! The globalists who control and fund the mainstream media have ‘Masked’ the truth, and what lurks beneath the ‘Mask’ is an agenda called the Great Reset! The thinking is that once the pandemic is “over”, the crisis will be over and everything will go back to normal, but as the globalists have been telling us since the outbreak began, the world “will never go back to normal again”.
It’s not because of the pandemic, mind you, it’s because they won’t allow things to go back to normal! The “Great Reset”, as the World Economic Forum calls it is their agenda behind the virus! In a recent prophecy roundtable Jan Markell said, “The Great Reset is the great tribulation”. I could’nt agree more with her! The purpose of the “Great Reset” is to use the coronavirus pandemic as a justification—attendees repeatedly referred to it as an “opportunity”—to completely overhaul the entire global economy, including the U.S. economy, to make a more “equitable” world and to fight climate change, which was on numerous occasions identified as the world’s next great “crisis.”
This is what Jan Markel had to say on climate change “Oh they want climate change, wait till the tribulation hits!”
Can you see the blatant 666 label in the picture below clearly hidden in plain sight!
The logo for the World Economic Forum is an elegant graphic, elegant but evil. It’s a multi-layered eye of Horus that contains a very special time code, and also presents an ominous warning declaration.
Let’s explore the artistic features of the design, because this is about the “World” we see the blue arcs that very obviously suggest the earth with the blue color it has when viewed from space. The shape of the circle traced around by the arcs is a fundamental symbol of time, as evidenced by the ancient Ouroboros. The earth’s blue appearance is attributed to water, and that is a very familiar metaphor for time. Combining the earth with the time symbolism we have space and time – and this power combo is being ritualized in this image, which is a magickal work. This layer of symbolism is strengthened and energetically multiplied by the way the arc crosses through the letters O in the words. Each intersection of the arc with a circle is a crossing of a circle, even the crossing of circles. Each crossing creates a cross, of course. Cross Circle – like XO – signaling Space and Time. Because the arc is actually two arcs and even, as implied through extension, 2 concentric circles, the theme is multiplied further.
The space-time ritual is a fundamental of this Occult symbol, and another is the imagery of the mark of the beast. This is HUGE – involving multiple kinds of layers! The light blue arc crosses through three letters O – and OOO is 666.
We have previously identified the mark of the beast as a biotech replication of the DNA of the beast that occurs as each individual who receives the mark is transformed. The genetic splicing will result in a special construction called a triple helix. Both of the logo’s OOO-as-666 symbols resonate the form of triple helix DNA. This is another level of MOB imagery!
Notice how the letters I and C seem to be standing out over on the right side. The IC, when you say the letters, is a homophone for “eye see” as in the all-seeing eye, and the Eye of Horus activated in the Illumined.
In French, water is “eau,” pronounced as a long O. The blue arc of the logo that suggests a big blue O seems to hint at eau, water, which covers the bulk of the surface of the globe. The arc has two segments of different widths. The wider seems to have settled on the bottom, like water seeking its level. What I see in this compares to the meaning of the other part of this logo, with their motto, “Committed to Improving the State of the World”.
The motto is separated from the other elements by placing it under a heavy line. What they are really telling us is apparent when you know the plot. If you compare this to the giant tapestry hanging in the UN Security Council Chamber and consider what is pictured as underneath and separate, you can interpret the meaning of their motto.
The keyword here is: Nephilim. They are buried in the earth, bound, awaiting release. They await the season when their avatar bodies are ready, when the time appointed for their release comes and reentry is permitted back into our realm. The motto must be taken in this context. The WEF is “Committed to Improving the State of the World,” but their idea of an improved state has no room for you and I. The way this is going to go down is something you’re not going to like, if you happen to still be hanging around. It’s the Illuminati plan to enlighten the world with Luciferian light. It’s the familiar plan to transform the inhabitants of the world through the Eye of Horus, a genetic posthuman downgrade that assures a season in the lake of fire for those who take the bait, receiving the mark of the Beast!
Pastor JD Farag “Last week, this was interesting, you can’t make this stuff up, a number of people sent me information on “Luciferase”. I don’t know how to pronounce it, but to me, it looks a lot like “Lucifer-erase” or if you prefer, “Lucifer-race”. If you want, we’ll just for short call it “Lucifer”.
Here is the National Center for Biotechnology (NIH) information webpage about creating “self-illuminating quantum dot conjugates.” It seems that this is how the tattoo, or the “mark,” is actually going to be powered. Listen to this quote from the abstract:
These self-illuminating quantum dot conjugates can be prepared by coupling of commercially available carboxylate-presenting quantum dots to the light-emitting protein Renilla luciferase [or Lucifer for short].
Well all of this is an interconnected web between Bill Gates, China and your DNA.This virus is being used to set up, from our point of view, the Book of Revelation but from the globalists’ point of view, their one-world government. They are already controlling and pulling the strings behind everthing now from mainstream media, cutting off global food supply chains and heavy censoring across social media platforms. Who ever thought that in America, in our lifetime, the church wouldn’t be allowed to get together?
Olive Tree Views founder and host of Understanding the Times radio, Jan Markell has been marginalized on all social media. Her page was deleted by YouTube twice and she has had programs taken down due to content such as Bible prophecy and concerns about government. Many Christian leaders will be venturing to new platforms.
Markell states:
“You will now be punished by big tech for telling the truth. They are in love with evil and think righteousness is dangerous.”