For the believer in the Rapture!…
For the unbeliever in the 7 years tribulation also known as the time of Jacob’ trouble!!!
Covid 19 is a controled demolition of the global economies by design…all set up for THE GREAT RESET!! Its deliberate!
The World Economic Forum announced that its postponed 2021 Davos summit, themed as “The Great Reset” in the coronavirus crisis, now will take place in Singpore from May 13 to 16.
The purpose of the “Great Reset” is to use the coronavirus pandemic as a justification—attendees repeatedly referred to it as an “opportunity”—to completely overhaul the entire global economy, including the U.S. economy, to make a more “equitable” world and to fight climate change, which was on numerous occasions identified as the world’s next great “crisis.”
In the words from their own mouths the plan by global elites to force the ‘great reset’, a phrase they themselves have coined and they are using all the events from COVID-19 to the race riots to bring it to pass. When you understand that the Mark of the Beast is mostly a financial mark, controlling all buying and selling, is it any wonder that the ‘great reset’ is brought to us by the elites of the World Economic Forum?!
If the World Economic Forum sounds familiar to you, it should, because it’s the same World Economic Forum that hosted Event 201 better seen as, 2-Global-1, along with none other than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Johns Hopkins University. Event 2-World-1 or 2-Global-1 was held in New York City on October 18 2019 as a high-level pandemic exercise simulating a global outbreak modelling what they called a “fictional coronavirus” October of 2019, weeks before the crisis hit!
It has links to everything and anything you could possibly imagine, and everything is linked together under the banner of global governance. This was planned all along. You can find everything: COVID-19, finding a vaccine, the media’s role during COVID-19, global governance, climate change, LGBTQ inclusion, sustainable development!!
This Great Reset website has an interesting clip of people under surveillance being tracked and traced all of whom appear to be wearing masks. In another clip a man wearing his mask gets his temperature read by way of a forehead thermometer. Isn’t that interesting. It’s almost like pre-programming and conditioning.
The reset, according to discussions by the IMF, is basically the next stage in the formation of a one-world economic system and global government. This falls in line with the solutions offered during the Event 201 pandemic simulation; a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic that was held by the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum only two months before the REAL THING happened at the beginning of 2020!
Gates was working to establish a global digital ID infrastructure long
before the outbreak, which is now promoted as a way to combat the virus!
In 2018 Bill Gates publicly announced that a global pandemic was on it’s way that could wipe out 30 million people!
‘A global pandemic is ON IT’S WAY.
An ENGINEERED VIRUS is humanities greatest threat.
This will happen in the NEXT DECADE.’
Shortly after this ‘exercise for a coronavirus pandemic’ Bill Gates tweeted:
I’m particularly excited about what the next year could mean for one of the best buys in global health: vaccines!! Big Pharma led by billionaire Bill Gates is planning through vaccines to implant RNAi into our bodies to make us sicker or to modify behaviors and biological processes to suit a predetermined agenda ,to modify the DNA in every vaccinated person as part of a human re-engineering program for a new sub species of human more easily controlled by a globalist cabal!!

A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference:
‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’
In Spain a group of 600 medical doctors called ‘Doctors for Truth’, made a similar statement during a press conference.
In the USA a documentary called PLANDEMIC, which exposes COVID-19 as a criminal operation, is supported by over 27,000 medical doctors!
This baffling data was discovered by someone on September 5, 2020, who posted it on social media. The next day it went viral all over the world. On September 6 the WITS suddenly changed the original designation ‘COVID-19’ into the vague term ‘Medical Test Kits’. The fact that they removed the specification ‘COVID-19’, after this data became known worldwide, proves that they don’t want anyone to know about it. They however forgot to delete one detail: the product code for these ‘Medical Test Kits’ is 300215 which means: ‘COVID-19 Test Kits’ !


In 2017 Anthony Fauci made a very strange prediction, with an even stranger certainty. With complete confidence Fauci announced that during the first term of President Trump a surprise outbreak of an infectious disease would surely happen! Here’s what he said:
“There is going to be a challenge for the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases.There will be a SURPRISE OUTBREAK.There’s NO DOUBT in anyones mind about this”
How could Fauci guarantee a surprise outbreak to happen during the first term of the Trump administration?

In September 2019 – also right before the outbreak – the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board released a report titled ‘A World At Risk’. It stressed the need to be prepared for… a coronavirus outbreak!!!! Now get this…on the cover of the report is the picture of a coronavirus and people wearing face masks!
In the report we read the following interesting paragraph:
‘The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises, including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.’
Did you catch that?
They have been practicing for a deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen!!!
In 2018 The Institute for Disease Modeling shot a video in which they show a flu virus originating in China, from the area of Wuhan, and spreading all over the world, killing millions. They called it ‘A Simulation For A Global Flu Pandemic.’ That is exactly what happened, two years later! Why did they say it would come from China? Why not Africa where far more diseases are present? Or why not South America? Or India?
How could they know there would be a flu virus coming from China and even show Wuhan as the originating area, that would infect the whole world?

Where did the virus come from? One of the world’s leading experts in bioweapons is Dr. Francis Boyle. He is convinced it originated from a bioweapon lab in Wuhan, the Bio Safety Lab Level 4.This facility is specialized in the development of… coronaviruses! They take existing viruses and ‘weaponize’ them, meaning they make them far more dangerous, to be used as a biological weapon.
THE CORONAVIRUS : Originated from a wet market from bats in Wuhan, China ???…which just so happens to be the centre for Bio-chemical warfare!…
▪︎Obama administration funded Wuhan lab!
▪︎Rudy Giuliani Slammed Dr. Fauci Over His Agency’s $3.7 Million Grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology!
▪︎World must prepare for second and third wave of Covid-19, WHO warns!
…well we have all heard the saying ‘As blind as a bat’….thats exactly how the WORLD is today but not us believers who are read the WORD of God!
From bro Chad’s(watchman on the wall88) article…

“Not to downplay the Coronavirus, it is very real, and it is killing people, but why are entire nations on lockdown? With several other plagues occurring in the past that were much deadlier, why wasn’t there this kind of response? Why are the economies crashing? Why is close to one-quarter of the world’s population told to stay at home? “
When you read between the lines the answer is pretty clear, and you can sum it up in one word: “Agenda”….
…the governments:
▪︎UN-Backed “Great Reset” to Usher in New World Order!
….the food supply:
▪︎Bill Gates and Richard Branson have invested heavily in a lab-grown stem cell replacement which grows meat and are trying to bankrupt the meat industry thus breaking the GLOBAL food chain!
….the health records:
▪︎Bill Gates defiantly tweets out that every human on earth will be Covid-19 Vaccinated and there can be ‘No Alternative’ to this ‘Global Effort’!

▪︎Back in 2018 Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates was among the first investors in a new start-up EarthNow aiming to build, launch and operate a collection of satellites that will deliver real-time video of the entire planet!

▪︎The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and Intellectual Ventures are spending millions in creating a human implantable quantum dot microneedle vaccine mark with data storage that will work through an Enzyme Called Luciferase!
….the religion :
Very interestingly is that the UAE-Israel agreement known as the Abraham Accord in connection to the UAE last year of an interfaith agreement ‘in search of peace’ involving the Pope and a leading mullah….
▪︎Abrahamic house: The catholic muslim interfaith council created by Pope Francis announces new ‘CHRISLAM’ headquarters opening in 2022 that combines a mosque and church according to signed covenant!
▪︎The ‘Abraham Accord’ Will Connect Israel And Abu Dhabi Where The Chrislam Headquarters Known As The Abrahamic Faiths House Is Located!
▪︎Chrislam Abraham accord between Israel and the UAE was the missing link needed to launch Pope Francis Abrahamic faiths initiative!
▪︎Pope says coronavirus vaccine must be shared worldwide!
….buying and selling:
▪︎ID2020 announces work is completed on first ever certification mark for ‘Kiva protocal’ implementing a global digital ID for buying and selling!

Masking ulterior motives!
Trust Stamp’s biometric identity system, largely funded by Mastercard’s massive investment in the company, utilizes a technology it calls Evergreen Hash that creates an AI-generated “3D mask” based on a single photo of a person’s face, palm or fingerprint. Once this “mask” is created, much of the original data is discarded and encryption keys are created in place of a person’s name or other more traditional identifiers!!
Event 201 suggested that one of the top solutions to a pandemic would be the institution of a centralized global economic body that could handle the financial response to the coronavirus.
Is it not convenient that the events of the real pandemic fall exactly in line with the Event 201 simulation, as well as directly in line with the global reset plans of the IMF and the World Economic Forum? As they say, let no crisis go to waste, or, as is the motto of the globalists “Order Out Of Chaos”.
The goal is rather obvious – terrify the population with poverty, internal conflicts and a broken supply chain until they lobby the establishment for help. Then, offer the “solution” of medical tyranny, immunity passports, martial law, a global economic system based on a cashless digital society in which privacy in trade is erased, and then slowly but surely form a faceless “multilateral” global government which answers to no one and does whatever it pleases!
What the elites want is for the public to ASK, even beg for global governance. If the public is tricked into demanding it as a way to save them from the horrors of global chaos, then they are far less likely to rebel against it later.
“Problem – reaction – solution”
Doctor Carrie Madej directed two large clinics in Georgia, before she went to the Dominican Republic to do humanitarian work. She studied DNA and vaccines for the past twenty years and made an urgent video in which she warns that there is a plan to inject humanity with very dangerous vaccines for Covid-19. The purpose of these new vaccines will be twofold:
1) Reprogram our DNA and make us hybrids that are easier to control.
2) Connect us to artificial intelligence through a digital vaccine ID, which will also open a whole new realm of control.

Jan Markel has this to say….
“The globalists have waited for a crisis—but who knew it would be health-related?! Health is wealth as the saying goes . If you lose it, you lose everything. It can involve pain and suffering. If you scare enough people with health related problems, they will melt like warm butter in your hand!! They will welcome anyone….a Mr. Fix It who can guarantee them the basics in life, including a vaccine that will forever
protect them and give them their sports and entertainment back!
Think about COVID-19, the lockdowns, the economic crashes, 5G, the mandatory mask wearing, the race riots, ANTIFA, ID2020, Bill Gates, Black Lives Matter, the Declaration Of Human Fraternity, Chrislam, ponder for a moment on all of it!

• Now is the time for a ‘great reset’!
• In every crisis, there is an opportunity!
• World must prepare for second and third wave of Covid-19, WHO warns!
• How to distribute a COVID-19 vaccine and build public trust!:
Gerberding added: “We have to make sure that while we’re fighting this pandemic, we’re preparing for the next, because I do believe it’s only a matter of time before we face another of these situations or potentially something worse”!!!!