Contrary to the title of my article i’m someone who loves to be comprehensive and elaborate in my content. The Bible is the only book that is ‘Prophetic’ with one hundred percent accuracy in fullfillment, all the other books which try to foretell and predict the future are ‘Pathetic’!

A prophetic cascade has begun. I would talk specifically to three indicators that being Israel, the Great Reset and a startling uptake in news of UFO sightings like never before! There a undeniable connection here that tells me that we are in the final moments and also the persecution to the church that points to the Rapture of the Church!

We who are students of Bible Prophecy today and as Bereans (Acts 17:11) can clearly discern the times we are living in. The Sons of Issachar as stated in 1 Chronicles 12:32 had understanding of the times, but people did not discern the signs of the times during Jesus’ first coming even after over 300 detailed Bible Prophecies had foretold of it!

Jesus Himself told us how to recognize the general timeframe of His return. When the disciples said, “Tell us the signs of your coming and the end of the age” (Matthew 24:3)

Jesus told them a number of things to look for. He then said, “When you see all these things, you can know my return is near. I’m right at the door” (Matthew 24:33). He also said, “When all these things begin to happen, look up for your salvation is near!” (Luke 21:28).

This states the number one indication that Jesus will return soon is all the signs appearing together. It’s the sign Jesus said to look for – Convergence!

JERUSALEM : A CUP OF TREMBLING! The little sliver of land known as Israel is practically in the headlines every day—and even more so in recent weeks as the nation has been under attack. Hamas, an Iran-backed terrorist organization, fired thousands of rockets into Israel, hitting population centers. It takes a spark to get a fire going…that fire has been lit!

As we take a look at the prophetic canvas with Israel being the focal point as God’s prophetic time piece it so clearly tells us that we are in the…FINAL HOUR!
As Jan Markel beautifully put it, Israel is God’s prophectic timepiece with Jerusalem as the minute hand and the temple mount as the small hand!

“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about… And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”- Zechariah 12:2-3

Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh suggested that Hamas’s current objective is to continue fueling the ongoing violence in Jerusalem, just hours after the ceasefire came into effect.
Haniyeh promised to continue “fighting for Jerusalem” and specifically mentioned “liberating the Al-Aqsa Mosque” in Jerusalem’s Old City. “Jerusalem remains the center of the conflict,” he said, indicating that despite the ceasefire coming into effect, the reality is still highly volatile and suggesting that Hamas has no intention of stopping its effort to destabilize Israel, by arranging and funding riots across the country and at the Aqsa Mosque specifically.
Not long after a cease fire was brokered by Egypt in the days-long fight between Hamas and Israel, one of the terrorist group’s leaders expressed gratitude to Iran for providing resources used to attack Israel.

“Hezbollah so far doesn’t seem inclined to spoil Iran’s talks with world powers on the nuclear front because it wants to see sanctions relief for its primary political, military and financial backer,” said Karam, who covers Mideast politics for the regional newspaper The National.

Hezbollah is 10 times the threat that Hamas has been with up to 200,000 Missiles. On the sidelines, Hezbollah looms large over the Gaza battle, yes this mini-war was just the beginning to fanning the flames of conflict, nothing but a dress rehearsal, a test run, a warm up if you will for ‘The War’ that will ignite Isaiah 17! In Isaiah 17, we are told that in the last days, Damascus, the capital city of Syria, will be completely destroyed.

Look at the verbage Gantz used in his speech….RUBBLE! Now where have we read of that in the Bible…ISAIAH 17! Remember the Beruit weapon stockpile blast last year!

Although we are not told how this will happen or by whom, Syria has become a hotbed of activity in the Middle East that those familiar with Bible Prophecy have been watching very closely. Damascus’s destruction could also be a catalyst to the Ezekiel 38-39 war in-which Russia, Iran, Turkey, and others come together from the north, with weaponry supplied by Russia, to attack the Jewish state.

This fragile ceasefire as the Times of Israel rightly titled it is nothing but a pseudo peace for Iran proxies to regroup and be locked and loaded now that the sanctions are coming off and a return to the JCPOA! Addressing the tinderbox makes it not if, but when this time around a new spark alights, it will mean a much larger war of Biblical proportions!
A return to the JCPOA is a penstroke away, so is Isaiah 17! Like a domino effect a return to the JCPOA is the TRIGGER that will FIRE Israel into ‘The War’ against all of Iran’s proxies namely Hamas, Hezbolla, Fatah and the Islamic Jihad that will in turn bring about the DESTRUCTION of Damascus! Among all the 50 odd prophectic signs in play that are on the burner, the Isaiah 17 prophecy is brewing and about to boil over anyday now!

Gaza is not going away and will remain a critical issue to resolve, but the Iranian nuclear issue is the one potential existential challenge to Israel’s existence. While the 2021 Gaza conflict may turn out to be the major war and peace event of 2021 for Jerusalem, it resolved and changed little of the region’s wider dynamics.
The Israel-Gaza conflict from May 10-21 (assuming the ceasefire holds) wiped out almost every other news item from the public’s attention. But while large portions of the Jewish state were sleeping in bomb shelters, US, Iranian and world power negotiators were jumping forward in negotiations to return to the 2015 JCPOA Iran nuclear deal.

Before Israelis realize it, they may suddenly wake up to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action back in place and the region’s geopolitics completely reordered and a total shift. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said earlier in the week that the deal was basically done and was just waiting for final sign-offs. The EU was similarly optimistic, and Russia and China have been broadcasting optimism of a deal around the corner multiple times in recent weeks and a common understanding has been reached on measures required to lift US sanctions and scale back steps Iran has taken since 2019 to advance its nuclear programme.

The Biden administration is also under growing pressure from the Democrats’ increasingly vocal “progressive” left wing – which is mostly anti-Israel and partly also antisemitic – to swiftly move ahead with renewing the deal.
Be this as it may, a clear-eyed assessment of the situation points to the conclusion that despite all the doubts and obstacles, the Biden administration is determined that nothing – neither internal opposition nor political and diplomatic efforts from outside – will stop it from returning to the agreement. The deal could be reached as soon as next week, or at least before Iran’s June 18 presidential elections.
The Biden administration is recycling President Obama’s strategy toward Iran that proved disastrous. This was the Obama playbook. In fact, Obama’s negotiators admitted new cash for Iran as part of the nuclear deal would be used for terrorism and shrugged it off as ends justifying the means. The exact same thing is happening now with the Biden administration.

Amid ongoing talks in Vienna regarding a possible U.S. return to the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran, the head of the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog warned in an interview published on Tuesday that “you cannot put the genie back in the bottle”. Grossi noted that Iran has now stockpiled 10 times the 300 kg (661 lb.) of enriched uranium stipulated by the accord, including some to near-weapons grade.

Iran announced on April 13 that it had notified the IAEA of its intent to begin enriching uranium to 60 percent purity, far above the 3.67 percent level stipulated by the JCPOA.

Iran had already begun enriching uranium to the 20 percent level in the preceding months. The nuclear watchdog confirmed just days later that Iran had indeed begun the process of enriching to 60 percent, at its Natanz nuclear facility.
“A country enriching at 60 percent is a very serious thing—only countries making bombs are reaching this level,” Grossi told the Financial Times. “Sixty percent is almost weapons grade, commercial enrichment is 2, 3 [per cent].” In an interview with Israeli television, Blinken stressed US President Joe Biden’s support for rejoining the 2015 international accord limiting Iran’s nuclear program if Tehran returns to compliance with the deal, which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opposes.

Will Israel finally be divided under the Biden-Harris administration? Almost certainly. But don’t lose heart, Israel must be divided and Israel must go through the time of Jacob’s trouble in order for God’s judgement to be fulfilled on His chosen people, to redeem them and restore them to the land. These things are not negotiable. But woe be unto that person who does these things, God will not hold them guiltless, by no means.

Now that the war between Israel and Hamas is over, for now, the Biden administration is licking its lips, literally drooling at the prospect of being the ones to finally divide the land of Israel, God’s land, and start the process of triggering the Joel 3 prophecy on the Battle of Armageddon.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Israel “took very significant steps” to avoid civilian casualties in Gaza during the recent fighting with Hamas, but lamented the loss of lives, “especially children,” while underscoring the Biden administration’s backing for a two-state solution for solving the Israeli-Palestinian process.

From a biblical perspective, the Two State Solution is unstoppable because that is what the Bible says will be the condition on the ground during the time of Jacob’s trouble. The Jews will make a covenant with their enemies that will be confirmed by Antichrist, and the platform for this very likely is the Abraham Accords.

The Biden administration is firmly committed to slicing up the sovereign land of Israel, given to the Jews by God, to create a Palestinian state on Israeli land, triggering the Joel 3 prophecies about parting the land of God.

Zechariah 2:8
For thus saith the Lord of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.

The United States has a ‘president’ that is very pro-Palestinian, and wants very much to be the one who creates the Two State Solution. The tensions and terrors on the Temple Mount did advance to a war and now it is highly likely that a Two State Solution will rise up from the ashes.

A US policy under Donald Trump was criticized as being blatantly pro-Israel and ignoring the Palestinians. A Mideast peace plan devised by Trump’s adviser and son in law Jared Kushner was billed as providing for a two-state solution but that blueprint envisioned a Palestinian state with only limited sovereignty and Israel maintaining security over that state.
The plan was rejected out of hand by Palestinian leaders. Biden insisted on a full-blown two state remedy.

The idea of a two-state solution – with a sovereign Palestinian state alongside Israel and Jerusalem as their shared capital – has been the cornerstone of decades of international diplomacy aimed at ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Pastor Tom Hughes and Jan Markell stated that the last two times an event of this magnitude like the coronavirus plannedemic affected the entire globe was during Noah’s flood and the tower of Babel!
The push to undo what God did at Babel is about to gain a lot more momentum. The World Economic Forum has announced that it is rolling out what it calls The Great Reset initiative to “improve the state of the world”.

There is no greater gateway to the apocalyptic “Beast,” or antichrist, than the entirety of the worldwide COVID-19 response. Nations were locked down. Food supplies were disrupted. Businesses, schools, and churches were forced to close. Once buzzing cites today had empty sidewalks and the suburbs were reduced to ghost towns! Healthy people were quarantined. Travel was confined. These restrictions came within months of the spread of the virus. And they were just the beginning!
Globalists are using the cover of Covid to “reimagine” our future for us. That’s the bad news. The good news is they have laid it all out in plain sight!

A global assault on humanity that is unprecedented in history, expansion of the ‘reset’ (takeover) of society is ramping up to epoch proportions. With this will come an onslaught of claimed globalists to frighten the masses into even more panic; the leading one before and after the ‘Covid’ hoax is complete, will likely remain the ridiculously named fraud called man-made ‘climate change.’ In fact, this has already begun, but will vastly escalate over the next few months and beyond in my opinion.

At some point, ‘climate change’ will likely be disclosed as the core issue at hand so far as those wishing to gain total control of the masses are concerned, replacing in importance in effect, the other fraudulent tools of tyranny such as ‘virus pandemics,’ but not eliminating them as part of depopulation and control.

This scenario has been planned and played out for decades, but is now getting into a very advanced stage in this plot to alter life as we have known it; relegating humanity to a two-tiered societal shift that consists of a controlling class sometimes referred to as the global ‘elites,’ and a slave class made up of the masses. This is meant to culminate with the master class of claimed elites imposing a technocratic hierarchy so extreme as to eliminate freedom of the individual entirely via a communistic approach.
The fraudulent ‘Covid’ pandemic scare has been, and is now being used, to lockdown and cripple society. The predicted escalation of tyranny is ramping up aggressively in the forms of threats, mandates and blame against the ‘unvaccinated.’ The unvaccinated are now public enemy number one and the country’s highest terror threat according to the Biden administration.

In the midst of ‘Covid’ insanity, the agenda of ‘climate change’ is first and foremost on the minds of the globalists. In fact, this fake engineered pandemic or planndemic as i like to call it is being used to advance that agenda, and as stated by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum: “Climate action must stay top of the global agenda as we emerge from COVID-19.”

According to these nefarious globilists, ‘climate change’ is the real threat, and this ‘pandemic’ is “laying the groundwork for the efforts required to tackle climate change.” In addition, the climate and ‘Covid-19’ are considered to be completely interconnected and a convergence of crises.

The fraudulent ‘virus pandemic’ has led the most major agenda being sought by the globalists, which is climate change legislation and mandated climate policy used to destroy the economic and monetary systems, to destroy farming and agriculture, to eliminate the individual, and to reshape the world into a complete technocratically controlled global society that will solidify the completion of the 2030 Agenda.

They’re playing the health card with this COVID plannedemic. They’re playing the race card and domestic terror card. They’re succeeding in delegitimizing American values and history, as well as masculinity in general and white males in particular. Next will be a reemphasis on the Global Warming scam. You plebs won’t be allowed to do anything, and most will go along with it because they’ve been indoctrinated over several generations to believe it’s right. The elite are doing everything in their power to ramp up fear. Fear for your health, fear of domestic terror, fear of the non-compliant, and fear of the climate destroying the planet.

“And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” Matthew 24:3-8 (KJV)
The great 24th chapter of the gospel of Matthew is the definitive section in the Bible that tells us what will be happening on this Earth during the time of Jacob’s trouble in the days after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church takes place. Jesus says that that time period will be as it was in the ‘Days of Noah‘.

Climate change, Build Back Better, The Great Reset, The New Normal, The New World Order, Net Zero, the Fourth Industrial Revolution are all pieces of the same puzzle. On their own, they appear either innocuous or ridiculous, but when placed together in the context of trillion-dollar corporate interests it spells out New World Order!
Know also that God has a Great Reset called the Rapture of the Church; it will come upon the world like a snare, throw a monkey wrench into this planned godless global dictatorship, and everything on earth will go downhill from there.
When God’s Great Reset (the Rapture) takes place, Satan’s unrestrained men will accelerate the plan to warp speed, and every jot and tittle of Tribulation Period prophecy will be fulfilled!
The Christian’s redemption is fast drawing near and the globalist plan will soon go into full effect!
The Earth is beginning to exhibit incredible changes inside, as well as on the outside. Why? Because its time for liberation is at hand, the countdown to the arrival of the King has begun!
Is our climate changing drastically, yes, it surely is, and it is doing it at the command of Jesus Christ. The changes are taking place in preparation of the coming judgment on the whole world that will take place in the time of Jacob’s trouble.
Emboldened Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ‘pushed’ Donald Trump out of the way, the global Left believe their time has come. Having conditioned us to hand over our freedoms to deal with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus, they now want to ramp up their control over our lives to deal with the “climate crisis”.
If you think the CCP virus lockdowns were hard, wait until they start imposing their solutions to what they see as “climate breakdown” and “lack of diversity”.
In the same way governments were justified in ripping our freedoms away to deal with the virus, they see an equal moral justification to address “climate breakdown” and “lack of diversity” through what they call the “Great Reset”.

How do we know all this?
They tell us.
Who are they?
“They” are hiding in plain sight. “They” are Klaus Schwab, executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, woke celebrity elites like Harry and Megan, the International Monetary Fund’s George Soros, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Leftist politicians in the West, the mainstream media and the Silicon Valley Tech Tyrants of Twitter, Facebook and Google.
Schwab is their spiritual leader, convening the crowd of billionaires and bureaucrats who fly their CO2-belching private jets into the Swiss ski resort of Davos each year to plan our lives.
If this sounds conspiratorial, pick up the Time Magazine spread on the “Great Reset”. Schwab wants to start with a “Great Reset of capitalism” and our social attitudes to address “systemic racism” and our “lack of diversity” when it comes to transgender and gay people.

TRANSHUMANISM: THE PLOT TO CONTROL YOUR LIFE! If our world is not on the direct road to the fulfillment of Revelation 13:16-18, the only alternative is to assume that something with a striking and most uncanny resemblance to the mark of the beast will appear in the not-too-distant future.
In other words, if what the transhumanist propose for our world is not the prelude to the mark of the beast, then I do not know what would be. Their plans for the future fit like a glove with what the apostle John wrote about the mark of the beast.
The words of Revelation 13:16-18 represent a specific, detailed prophecy and that cannot reach its full fruition until after the antichrist begins his reign of terror during the seven-year tribulation. Even so, we already see the set up of Satan’s evil and deadly end-of-days’ design for humanity at work in the plans of those who seek to impose transhumanism upon us.

Transhumanism is the combining of machines and human beings.
David Tippett, a contributor to the World Economic Forum (WEF) website, described transhumanism in this way:
“It is rooted in the belief that humans can and will be enhanced by the genetic engineering and information technology of today, as well as anticipated advances, such as bioengineering, artificial intelligence, and molecular nanotechnology. The result is an iteration of Homo sapiens enhanced or augmented, but still fundamentally human.
The central premise of transhumanism, then, is that biological evolution will eventually be overtaken by advances in genetic, wearable and implantable technologies that artificially expedite the evolutionary process”.

The globalists of our day propose to fundamentally change humanity through means that include the changing of the human DNA (i.e., “nanotechnology”). Contrary to what the WEF would have us believe, the end result of this artificial “biological evolution” will be something far different than what God created as well as what Jesus died on the cross to redeem.
An article on the New American website ties together the Great Reset advocated by the WEF and the Biden administration with the push for transhumanism:
Under the new world order envisioned by the proponents of the United Nations-backed “Great Reset,” humans will be merged with machines and technology. Literally. Perhaps most incredibly, the Deep State globalists behind the efforts are coming out of the closet. These days, they are openly and literally proclaiming their intention to abolish private ownership of property and even fuse microchips into people’s brains that will be able to read and manipulate individuals’ thoughts.
Please read the preceding quote again. It aptly summarizes my research and correctly connects the Great Reset of the WEF with its push for transhumanism through which it will “read and manipulate” the thoughts of those under it domain.

Consider this quote from the WEF website regarding the changes they plan for our world under what the WEF calls the “Fourth Industrial Revolutions,” their term for transhumanism:
The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents a fundamental change in the way we live, work and relate to one another. It is a new chapter in human development, enabled by extraordinary technology advances commensurate with those of the first, second and third industrial revolutions. These advances are merging the physical, digital and biological worlds in ways that create both huge promise and potential peril. The speed, breadth and depth of this revolution is forcing us to rethink how countries develop, how organisations create value and even what it means to be human.
Though it may sound benign on the surface, the purpose of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is not to benefit humanity, no, not at all. It’s the vehicle through which the WEF, along with globalists at the United Nations and in America, hope to force people into accepting a tyrannical and Marxist government through which they intend to control the lives of everyone on the planet.

The European Commission on June 3 proposed a framework for a European Digital Identity wallet which will be available to all European Union (EU) citizens, residents, and businesses and allow them to prove their identity and avail services across the Member States.
Last month, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) held a roundtable discussing why inter-governmental identity data sharing might be needed, what the current status is in this regard, and what will happen in the future. While other countries are currently more focused on how digital identity can be used within the country, the EU is the first international bloc to begin work on cross-border identification services.
Officials in May signed off on a ‘digital Covid certificate’ which can act as a vaccine passport but this new ID wallet goes a step further, allowing users to store other files like driver’s licenses, professional qualifications and financial details. Diplomats signed off on a digital green travel certificate, effectively a vaccine passport, as a means of reopening travel across the European Union.
The EU today built upon its vaccine passports as it unveiled a digital wallet which can store medical details for citizens across the 27-nation bloc.
Brussels claims Covid-19 has shown the need for an electronic universal system of documentation and says its digital wallet will boost the economy post-pandemic. The commission plans to discuss the wallet with the EU’s 27 member countries and aims to get them to agree on technical details by the fall.

According to the proposal, EU citizens would be able to sign up voluntarily for the European Digital Identity Wallets, which would allow them access to a wide range of public services and store official documents. Officials say the coronavirus pandemic has shown the need to have a way of recognizing paperwork across the 27-member bloc.

Prove identity and access services: “With the wallet, citizens will be able to prove their identity where necessary to access services online, to share digital documents, or simply to prove a specific personal attribute, such as age, without revealing their identity or other personal details,” the commissions stated. Examples include opening a bank account, applying for a loan, renting a car, submitting tax declarations, buying a new SIM card, and enrolling in a university.
To achieve 2030 Digital Compass goals: By using the digital identity, the Commission envisions achieving many of the targets set in the 2030 Digital Compass. These targets include making available all key public services online, providing citizens access to electronic medical records; and enabling 80% of citizens to use an eID solution that is trusted and user-controlled. This initiative further supports the Union’s transformation towards a Digital Single Market.
Does ID2020 ring a bell?

The Great Reset agenda necessitates augmenting humans in such a way that will allow those in power to monitor and control their behavior via external computer networks and artificial intelligence.

Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum are preparing for the second punch following the manufactured COVID Pandemic. The second punch is his profound warning with simulations once again of a cyber attack that will take down the world economy.

This man who directs, controls and is accelerating what he calls the Fourth Industrial Revolution and turn it GREEN, has also created his center for cybersecurity! The World Economic Forum has already conducted a simulation of a cyberattack that brings the global financial system to its knees. Of course, just months before this manufactured pandemic, there too simulations were conducted on how to carry that one out.

They this time have timed their manufactured pandemic with the turn in the Economic Model. It was last November of 2020 when Schwab’s World Economic Forum teamed with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to put out phase II of this plan to force the world to accept his Great Reset. They co-produced a report which warned that the global financial system was now vulnerable to cyber-attacks. If COVID was clearly exaggerated and the fake models were used to shut down the world economy, these same people have a lot to gain by exaggerating this cyber threat. Here comes phase II.
I could sit here all day and still probably not be able to come up with sufficient words to describe how insane it would be for the U.S. government to spend 6 trillion dollars in a single year. When there are way too many dollars chasing way too few goods and services, it is inevitable that shortages will happen. You just can’t keep printing trillions out of thin air. The stock market is on stilts! Like rats on a sinking ship, many are eyeing an exit, sensing that the dollar’s day is finally coming to an end as its value is eroded by mass pumping. Even though the chorus of voices that is warning of a dramatic inflationary collapse is growing by the day, the Federal Reserve just keeps pumping more giant piles of money into the financial system, and the federal government continues to engage in the most reckless spending binge in the entirety of U.S. history. We are steamrolling toward an economic implosion!

Supporters of the World Economic Forum’s all-encompassing Great Reset agenda are eyeing BIG changes for the global monetary system. Plans that might once have been dismissed as pure speculation are now being openly pushed by people who occupy the highest levels of power. President Joe Biden’s economic policies were grafted directly from the “Build Back Better” language of the Great Reset’s authors. Well build back better from what i ask? You can’t build unless something is destroyed! The Build Back Better slogan was actually all prepared in 2019 BEFORE Covid. This entire movement was set in motion using the virus to stage this event all for climate change. Every step of the way this propaganda has been orchestrated in high gear which took off in August 2019. The Climate Clock was turned on in September 2020. The Guardian even published that their agenda is to lock down the world economy every two years to meet the arbitrary agenda of the UN’s Paris Accord.
THEY ARE TELLING US THE PLAN: A FUTURE VIRUS “MORE DEADLY” THAN COVID IS COMING Remember when Bill and Melinda Gates laughed and sneered that the “next pandemic” will get people’s attention? Well, now the World Health Organization is saying the same thing. Kamala Harris is already gearing up for another one too. “At the same time that the world works to get through this pandemic, we also know that we must prepare for the next,” Harris says, according to excerpts of the speech obtained by The Associated Press. Stressing that no one is safe until everyone is safe, the UN chief told the G20 Global Health Summit in Rome “it is time for decisive action.”

Mr Guterres repeated his call for the G20 to establish a Task Force “able to deal with the pharmaceutical companies and other key stakeholders”, which would address equitable vaccine distribution through the COVAX global initiative.

In 2020, the coronavirus was the catalyst needed to enact the great reset plan that had been bubbling under the surface for years, and immunity passports are just another step in the overall plan to track and trace every citizen through their digital identity. Everything you have been watching happen for little over a year are different arms of the same beast and The Beast who is well on his way right now, will be the crown jewel in the ungodly crown of evil.

In his welcoming remarks at Cyber Polygon 2020, WEF Founder Klaus Schwab warned about a coming “cyber pandemic” that would be worse than the current global crisis.
“We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to, the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole,” he said.
“The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.” This year, Cyber Polygon 2021 will simulate a fictional cyber attack with participants from dozens of countries responding to “a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem in real time.”
As the digital world encroaches on our physical and biological worlds, an effective cyber attack could compromise anything connected to the internet, including:
▪︎ Medical devices that keep people alive
▪︎ The Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem of connected devices that run smart homes (i.e. cameras, microphones, sensors, etc.)
▪︎ Global financial systems
▪︎ Energy grids
▪︎ Water treatment facilities
▪︎ Government IT systems
▪︎ Military and defense infrastructure
▪︎ And much more

Several notorious usual suspects at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos were front and center with their latest psychopathic reveals. Emboldened by the scamdemic, these operatives seem to love to talk about “crises” all while licking their lizards lips. In the video below, listen to the predictive programming around a looming large-scale cyberattack on critical infrastructure that would unleash an apocalyptic Dark Winter.
“I believe that there will be another crisis,” WEF Managing Director Jeremy Jurgens stated on July 8 2020. “It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we’ve seen with Covid. The impact will be greater and, as a result, the economic and social implications will be even more significant”.

“We’re about to go into a dark winter,” Biden said, “a dark winter, and he [Trump] has no clear plan, and there’s no prospect that there’s going to be a vaccine available to the majority of the American people before the middle of next year.”

It just so happens that in late June of 2001, the U.S. military was preparing for a “Dark Winter.”
At Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Maryland, several congressmen, a former CIA director, a former FBI director, government insiders and privileged members of the press met to conduct a biowarfare simulation that would precede both the 9/11 attacks and the 2001 anthrax attacks by a matter of months. It specifically simulated the deliberate introduction of smallpox to the American public by a hostile actor.
The Dark Winter exercise began with a briefing on the geopolitical context of the exercise, which included intelligence suggesting that China had intentionally introduced foot and mouth disease in Taiwan for economic and political advantage; that Al-Qaeda was seeking to purchase biological pathogens once weaponized by the Soviet Union; and that Saddam Hussein of Iraq had recruited former biowarfare specialists from the Soviet Union and was importing materials to create biological weapons.
It further noted that a majority of Americans had opposed a planned deployment of U.S. soldiers to the Middle East, which was also opposed by Iraq, China and Russia. The script asserts that the soldiers were being deployed to counter and potentially engage the Iraqi military.
Later, as the exercise unfolds, many of those Americans once skeptical about this troop deployment soon begin calling for “revenge.”
Amid this backdrop, news suddenly breaks that smallpox, a disease long eradicated in the U.S. and globally, appears to have broken out in the state of Oklahoma.
The participants representing the National Security Council in the Dark Winter simulation quickly deduce that smallpox has been deliberately introduced and that this is the result of a “bioterrorist attack on the United States.” The assumption is made that the attack is “related to decisions we may make to deploy troops to the Mid-East.”
In 2017, Bill “The Snake” Gates warned of this scenario.

COVID, lockdowns, vaccines, vaccination passports and everything else are the tools by which this new order is being fashioned! There’s no genuine imminent hope for those who dismiss the prophetic signs of the day in which we live; only the fleeting hope that “somehow life will somehow return to normal in the future.” They cannot see how the “Great Reset” championed by the elite of our world will lead to the kingdom of the antichrist just as John wrote about in the book of Revelation.

They’ have been programming the world for years, now they are prepping the world for the for the UFO deception (2 Thessalonians 2:11)!

In June, U.S. intelligence agencies are expected to deliver a blockbuster report about the existence of UFOs to Congress. Needless to say, we have never seen anything like this before in U.S. history. In the old days, government entities would go to great lengths to try to marginalize anyone that spoke up too loudly about UFOs. In fact, anyone that was too effective in sharing the truth about UFOs would likely get a visit from shadowy government agents. But now everything has changed. In this day and age, current members of Congress such as U.S. Senator Marco Rubio openly talk about UFOs on television. Former Senate majority leader Harry Reid just had an article about UFOs published by the New York Times, and even Barack Obama is publicly answering questions about their existence.

At this point, the corporate media is running stories about UFOs almost every single day, and many of those articles are about the much anticipated report that is expected to be released next month. This would have never, ever happened in the old days. Something has changed, and it appears that a concerted effort is being made to prepare us for something. Earlier this month, video of a UFO floating in the air above the USS Omaha in July 2019 caused quite a sensation. Well, now a new video has been released that shows “as many as 14 UFOs” swarming the Omaha during that incident!

The U.S. government is finally starting to publicly acknowledge UFOs. The creator of “The X-Files” has been waiting for this moment for decades.
“It’s something I’ve been interested in for a long time, so to see it make the equivalent of front-page news is a delight,” Chris Carter said in a phone conversation this week. The idea of UFOs’ arriving on Earth has long been linked in public consciousness with “aliens” and refracted through the prism of Hollywood! In the 1950s, “The Day the Earth Stood Still” and “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” channeled Cold War paranoia. In more recent decades scarred by global terrorism, otherworldly visitors laid waste to Washington (“Independence Day”), New York (“The Avengers”) and other landmarks.

Diana Walsh Pasulka, a professor of philosophy and religion at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, and author of “American Cosmic: U.F.O.s, Religion, Technology,” said UFO-themed entertainment can be divided into roughly two categories that have coexisted for decades and sometimes overlap.

In the first are titles in which “the UFO event is revealed to be detrimental to humans,” such as “Independence Day” and other violent disaster epics. In the second are projects in which UFO encounters take on a gently philosophical dimension and strange visitors are essentially benevolent, such as Steven Spielberg’s “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.”

Luis Elizondo headed up the Pentagon’s UFO programme before it was halted in 2012. He has since been at the forefront of UFO disclosure in the US and has played a key role in the release of footage. The former head of the Pentagon’s infamous UFO programme has claimed the US government is in possession of “exotic material” from mysterious vehicles ahead of the eagerly-anticipated release of the Pentagon’s UFO report on Elizondo ran the Advanced Aerospace Thread Identification Program (AATIP) from 2007 until 2012, with its sole purpose of studying unidentified objects in our skies.
He has since played a key role in the leaks of several authentic videos of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in 2017 and pushing for total UFO disclosure ahead of the eagerly-anticipated release of the Pentagon’s UFO report in June.
Bassett, the executive director of Paradigm Research Group said such a release of information may be the “most profound” moment in the history of mankind!

“There is this manifest interest in the subject. And let’s face it: It’s not because it might be Chinese or Soviet drones or secret technology,” said Mark Rodeghier, scientific director at the Center for UFO Studies who has spent decades researching the subject. “All the real interest is because, yes, it might be aliens or something incredibly strange.”
“We’ve reached a tipping point in the phenomenon,” he told The Washington Times in an interview, “and in its public perception, and how it has to be treated by various organizations, the media, and politicians.”
Government agencies, Mr. Rodeghier added, “don’t comment on things they don’t have to.” But now they’ve been left with little choice.
Until recently, the Pentagon has been extremely tight-lipped on the subject, despite decades of research and billions of dollars spent on investigations. Even parts of the Air Force’s famous Project Blue Book, which ran from 1947 to 1969 and cataloged UFO sightings, remain under wraps.
Public interest in UFOs and alien life has been steadily building for years. A CBS News poll released earlier this month found that 66% of Americans believe there is intelligent life on other planets — an increase of 10 percentage points from 2017. In 2010, the number was less than 50%.
“I think they’ll continue to leak more and more and ease everybody into it,” David MacDonald, executive director of the Mutual UFO Network, or MUFON, which studies UFO sightings and has representatives in more than 40 countries around the world said in an interview. “My theory has been all along, what if the president came out and said, ‘We’ve been lying to you for 70 years. There are other life forms in the universe, they’re here, they’re our trading partners.’ … That’s when you’d have panic in the streets.”
The top-secret research site in Nevada is considered by many in the UFO research community to be the epicenter of human-alien collaboration, and possibly even where the extraterrestrials who crashed at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947 were housed.
So here we find ourselves in end times with the government acting like UFOs are the most natural thing in the world, and you can just forget all about the hundreds of denials they have issued on the topic since the first reported actual sighting occurred in 1947. Is it just me, or is the fact that the Roswell sighting on July 8, 1947 that happened mere months before Israel was officially regathered as a nation just an amazing coincidence? Hmm, now that’s a good question.

My brother’s in Christ, Tyler Chance spoke about the connection between aliens and the fig tree generation on his channel Generation2434, the pic posted by Chooch from Tol End times says it all and Chad Thomas (Watchman on the wall 88) with Jan Markell from Olive Tree ministries have spoken in depth on the alien deception that is bring set up right now that will most likely be used to explain away the rapture of the Church!

People’s newsfeed have been exploding with UFO headlines for the past 3 or 4 weeks. I’m not talking about one or two articles here and there, I’m talking about seeing headline after headline to the point where you can’t ignore the fact that someone is going to come up to you and finally say “hey, did you see that thing about how UFOs and aliens are now real?”
Dozens of videos have been released recently showing US Air Force pilots reacting to hyper-fast UFOs with the whole thing captured on video.

As puts it, “Aliens shouldn’t be the default explanation for weird stuff in the sky.” And this is true, the conversation truly is about asking who is manning these craft? They have been around, studied and have been widely documented by government and intelligence agencies for years, but all this hidden from the public.
Why now? Why is there finally admission? Perhaps it’s time humanity finally hears the truth… en masse. Perhaps this is about controlling a narrative that has slowly been getting ‘out of control’ due to the rise of independent media.

Think about how slowly and methodically the Enemy has been preparing their lie to explain away the Rapture. It started with Evolution back in the 1850s, and Hollywood has perpetuated it today. All somebody has to do right after the Rapture is stand upon the world scene, maybe somebody even like the Pope, and try to reassure people. He may say, “Hey, people! I just want you to know. You were right all along. The government has been hiding this truth from you. UFOs and aliens are real. See, that’s why all of these people have disappeared. It was aliens. They beamed all of those Christians up to their ships.”How crazy! How amazing! How wonderful!” Nope! You just found yourself left behind in the seven-year Tribulation. It wasn’t UFOs that sucked those people up. That was Jesus Christ coming back to collect His Church.

And so begins the deception of explaining what has happened when millions of people are suddenly caught up in the rapture. It will be a well prepared narrative. Why? Because as we know the enemy has been preparing the reasons that will be given by distorting this event.

One of the reasons why we are seeing such mass acceptance of UFOs and space aliens at the highest level of world government is because the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church is right now ‘on deck’ and awaiting liftoff! In June, the Pentagon is scheduled to release what many people are saying will stunning information of human contact with space aliens, but those of us who believe the bible will know the true identity of these beings, the fallen angels from Genesis 6.

Most of the world is asleep today while the signs are screaming loudly for the return of our Lord! The church today is like Harry R. Truman saying yes one day the Lord will return not realising that day is here!
As Mount Saint Helens rumbled during the Spring months of 1980, he stood firm in his resolve to remain on the mountain as if he owned it! Harry R. Truman, an innkeeper, refused to leave his home despite an evacuation order and repeated warnings that came via reoccurring earthquakes, just as the Lord is repeatedly warning this world! The birth pangs are increasing and intensifying by the minute!

Harry R. Truman acknowledged it was “possible” the mountain might “blow” someday, but he never reached the place where he was willing “to pack up his bags” and leave his home!
Finally on that which he thought would happen ‘one day’ occured on May 18, 1980 as Mount St. Helens erupted with such force that the top 1,300 feet of the mountain instantly disappeared!
The explosion caused a huge landslide that moved down the mountainside at speeds in excess of 110 miles per hour devouring everything in its path, including his residence at Spirit Lake!
Harry R. Truman is a reflection and epitomizes so many in our world today! Just like Mr. Truman, they hear the warnings of biblical prophecy and sense the danger inherent in our day, but they do not turn to the Savior or watch for His appearing as we are told to do!
The Lord is not silent during these last days. The first significant indicator of the last days occurred on May 18, 1948 when Israel became a nation in fulfillment of Isaiah 66:8!
Fast forward to 2021 and we see the world government of the coming tribulation waiting to take over before our eyes along with the technology necessary for the antichrist to enforce the “Mark Of The Beast” under the penalty of death! Lawlessness abounds along with the violence of our day, coupled with the multitude of signs, repeatedly warn us of the approaching devastation and death of the coming day of the Lord.
Sadly like Harry R. Truman, many believers are not yet willing to “pack their bags” in anticipation of Jesus’ imminent return. They do not recognize the urgency of the day in which they live and as a result they live solely for the things of this world without the necessary balance of an eternal perspective.

An excerpt from Jan Markel’s article
“Last days’ events happen quickly. Even suddenly. The word “quickly” (Greek word: tachos) is used eight times in Revelation. Think of an automobile tachometer which measures the working speed of an engine typically in revolutions per minute. And it revs up.
We often see sudden destruction falling upon the wicked in the Bible. The unrepentant living during Noah’s time, experienced a sudden and catastrophic flood (Gen. 6-9). They had 120 years to repent as Noah preached to them, but they chose to ignore him and judgment suddenly fell (Gen. 6:3-7).
Is there a message in all of this? Something else will happen suddenly—the Rapture of the Church. It will take place in the twinkling of an eye. That is so fast it can hardly even be measured.
When God begins to move, He doesn’t waste a moment. But He does take time to warn before He judges. And He seems to be telling us that things are going to change for Eternity suddenly via the Rapture of the Church.”

Jesus’ last words to His church contain the promise of His speedy return. “He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon” (Rev. 22:20). The Lord promised a quick return for His bride! Amen!
Our glorification is going to be in an instant! Paul describes about the swiftness of Jesus’ appearing to take us home, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed” (1 Cor. 15:52). Jesus will raise the dead in Christ and catch the living saints away in an instant, in the “twinkling of an eye.” !
What we already see in our world tells us this day is exceedingly close, at the door!
Just like the devastation that followed the Mount St. Helens eruption, 1 Thessalonians 5:3 tells us that “sudden destruction” will fall on those left behind after the rapture. After we depart from the earth, the world will experience unspeakable terror during the seven-year tribulation!
The story of Harry R. Truman warns us of the dangers in ignoring the prophetic signs that tells us we indeed live in the last days, in fact in the Final Hour! Just like the eruption that suddenly consumed the top of Mount St. Helens, so the day of the Lord will bring sudden devastation to this world, to those who now reject the saving message of the Gospel and will be left behind to face the day of the Lord.
Harry R. Truman ignored the warnings of the impending disaster. What will you do with the warnings of Biblical prophecy?

From a faux-impeachment to an orchestrated pandemic or should i say plannedemic; from Murder Hornets to massive wildfires; from a sudden increase in UFO sightings to the road being paved for the ‘Great Reset’; from numerous hurricanes to anarchy and riots; from historic Mid-East peace initiatives through the Abrahamic Accords to one of the craziest election heists ever seen in American history, the year 2020 saw Bible prophecies converging like never before setting the stage for which we are today!
2020 was the trailer, the movie is about to begin!
1 Corinthians 15 :1-4 (KJV)
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

If you have not yet placed your faith in Jesus, please, please do so before it is too late to avoid the terror that is coming upon our world. Allow God’s Spirit to open your heart to the truth of the Gospel found in the words of Scripture where we read that Christ died on the cross for our sins, was buried, rose from the dead on the third day, ascended to heaven, and is coming again for His church.
Jesus’ resurrection proves that He is able to save all who believe, just as He promised us. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” This simple verse is the key to living forever.
Faith begins with an acknowledgement of our need for Jesus’ payment for our sins upon the cross. Romans 3:23 says that “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Our need of a Savior is universal. Because all have sinned, everyone needs Jesus (John 14:6); there are no exceptions. He alone paid the debt for our sins.

Some mistakenly think they can compensate for their sins with good behavior. In Ephesians 2:8-9, the Apostle Paul tells us that such is not the case, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one my boast.” Eternal life comes by grace through faith; saving faith rests solely on Jesus and His sacrifice for our sins.
Jesus left all his glory and came down from heaven to die on the cross of calvary just for you! Jesus shed his precious blood for you! Please accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour! Time is up!

If you love this world and are still a part of it and follow it, deriving your life and pleasures from it the world will love you. If you follow its vulgar passions the world would be loving towards you but we are not of the world, so our love of reverence should be towards our God .
God chose us , and withdrew us for his service, out of the world, therefore the world hates us! God has caused you to break away from the world, and we are no longer “its own.” Just as we are one with God, we draw upon ourselves the worlds hatred of God.
We are to conform ourselves, and our minds, to that of Jesus Christ (Romans 12:1-2). We must also understand that being in the world, but not of it, is necessary if we are to be a light to those who are in spiritual darkness. We as believers are called to brige the gap between a living God and a dying world!

The Rapture, as we believe, is the moment when Jesus calls for the Church and so, in a twinkling of an eye our bodies are transformed, and we are caught up to meet Jesus in the air. Our bodies are transformed, and we are caught up to meet Jesus in the air. The Rapture is a promise made to believers in Christ who are here in this Church Age that we will be gathered up to Jesus Christ. Jesus said that He does what the Father tells Him, and so He’s waiting for that word from the Father. I believe that we are on the cusp of the rapture!
We have to almost go back to the origin of the word Rapture. A lot of people claim that word is not even in the Bible. Not true. The word “rapturo” or “rapio” can be found in the Latin Vulgate version in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. The word expresses a quick action such as a snatching away.
All of us who look forward to the Rapture as the next major prophetic event realize that it will happen very quickly. Jesus promised, “Behold, I come quickly,” meaning “I come suddenly,”
I liken the Rapture to a pregnancy. The signs of the approaching due date were very evident, but we still didn’t know the exact moment. We could sense it was getting closer and closer. Like a delivery date, I believe that the timing of the Rapture is getting closer and closer.
What we do know from the Bible is that the Rapture is a separate event from the Second Coming.
At the Rapture, Jesus will return for His saints.
At the Second Coming, He will return with His saints.
At the Rapture, Jesus will appear in the air
At the Second Coming, He will descend to the Mount of Olives as a prelude to His earthly reign.
At the Rapture, Jesus will bring a blessing for His saints.
At the Second Coming, He will bring judgment for those who have rejected Him.
The Rapture could occur at any moment.
The Second Coming will occur seven years later.
Read the passages about Christ’s return in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19. These talk about the Second Coming. But, read the Rapture verses such as 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Corinthians 15 and John 14. All these verses when compared reveal the Bible is telling two different stories. The Rapture and the Second Coming are clearly separate events.
Yes, they are! The contrast between 1 Thessalonians 4 and Revelation 19 are telling. Thessalonians talks about Jesus appearing for the Church as a deliverer in grace, bringing salvation and deliverance for those of us who are His. Jesus arrives as if He was a Bridegroom. Whereas, in Revelation 19, the Lord comes in great wrath. He returns and lands on the earth, not just stays up in the clouds, as He does at the Rapture. At the Second Coming Jesus arrives as a warrior ready to rule as a King. Obviously, as told in Revelation 19, the Church comes with Him.
There are many pictures of these differences in the passages. Even in the book of Revelation where the Lord is dictating to John His letters to the seven churches, in chapter 4 John is caught up, he is snatched up and translated up to Heaven. In Revelation 5-18, John is there witnessing things going on in Heaven and describing future events that will happen on the earth. The Church is not mentioned until Revelation 19 when the Church returns to the earth with the Lord. So, that’s why we think the Rapture comes for the Church in an instant, and the Church is snatched away before the Lord returns subsequent to the Second Coming.
I would add on top of that great answer that not only do we see the differences between the verses that deal with the Rapture and the Tribulation, portraying two totally different stories, but we have the iron-clad promise of God that the Church is never destined to endure the wrath of God. Revelation 3:10 and 1 Thessalonians 1:10 and 5:9, and other verses all say that the believer in Christ is not destined to endure the wrath of God.